After ages of not posting a single thing in this blog I’m back! Life has been very interesting over the last year; I’ve started my second year of college and I’m doing well, I got a job working on campus in a computer lab and have only recently resigned, I’ve made many new friends and had so many experiences that have had an impact on my life in so many ways. Finally, I got into a relationship with another music major and had it not work out. I didn’t see it coming. Honestly, I know I’m better off simply because while this relationship turned out to be an utter lie, I’ve learned that there is love after the devastating heartbreak I had a few years ago with “D”. Now I am at a place in my life where I not only know where I want to be academically, professionally, and spiritually, but emotionally. It hit me that I’ve been going about this all wrong. How you ask? Because I realized, I don’t know shit about men. Like most women, I read the magazine articles, check out the websites, talk to my girlfriends, and when all else failed I asked my mother for advice. Not very great, is it?
In order for me to play this game with the men, successfully, I have to know what the rules are and how the players think. This isn’t to say I’m going to make myself into something I’m not to play with the boys, what I am going to do is change my strategies. You may wonder what has brought on this sudden change. Well, this passed week I was dumped. Remember that relationship I mentioned earlier? Thats the one! I decided that if thinking like a woman hasn’t worked for me, why not try thinking like a man?
Enter-Steve Harvey. Think like a Man, Act like a Lady1 This is an amazing title, so simple, yet such an amazing idea. I started reading the book the night before last, after watching The Ugly truth on Netflix. I also got some ideas from the movie (make a note to watch it, if you haven’t.)
There are requirements I have, that I will no longer compromise. I didn’t think I was compromising but, I realize now, I was. This is what brings me back to this blog, I’ve decided that for a period of a year to apply the rules in that book, to see if things change. Of course, this means I’ll have to make some changes, which will begin immediately.
First, I will get my weight under control, while I’m doing this I will also change my style of dressing. I’m done dressing for comfort, I have to dress feminine and approachable. I’m also going to make the time to go out more, I’m 23 I need to start acting like it. I’m also going to keep busting my behind in school, because after all. I am an intelligent and successful woman, what kind of woman would I be if I turned into an idiot? None at all, thats what. I’m going to take control of what I can take control of, and whatever is not within my control, I’m going to let it go.
I will put these things into practice and talk about it on this blog, I’m going to make these changes over the course of a year. Here I will talk about it all, my weight woes, dating, flirting, school, and of course the changes in my wardrobe and love life.