Purpose is something that many people are in search of, some because they need a change in their lives, others because they never really put in the time and work to figure it out. I’ve known I wanted to sing since I was three, it wasn’t until I was 18 that I figured out what I wanted to do was sing Opera. But even as a child I stayed focused on what I felt inside was what I was meant to do. I’m a big believer in strong instincts and I just felt in every bone in my body that this was the right thing for me.
Music is not an easy field to be in, take my word for it. The work is endless just to get a fraction closer to your goal. Semesters become about making it through your class, practice times, rehearsals, recitals and finally, juries. Most of us spend our days preparing for the performances of the semester. We’re mostly driven and inspired but there comes a point where we just don’t want to do it anymore, and that is when many chose to leave the music department. Some cant take the pressure, thats ok. This isn’t meant for everyone, just because you have a talent doesn’t mean that you have to use it. Unfortunately, I’ve known some people with tremendous vocal or instrumental abilities that they’ve just thrown away because they couldn’t take the pressure of deadlines and requirements, yet claimed they were willing to do whatever it took to reach their goal.