Don't you think it's rather odd that we live in a world where sex is constantly shoved down out eyeballs all day everyday, but we still have people questioning sex ed in schools? I was watching the Dr. Phill show was about teens and sex. It was a major debate which included Reverend T.D. Jakes and several other people including teens some who were pro-abstinence and other's pro-sex-ed. Not being a teenager for now on 2 years I still have a strong opinion about this. While I do agree that teens should be well informed about sex, how to protect yourself and abstinence. I also think that parents aren't being as vigilant or involved in their children's lives as they should be.
Personally I have a great relationship with my mom and I decided to have sex at 17 I also protected myself not only because she had discussed all of this before hand but because I had enough sense to inform myself. We need to have our parents get over their issues with sex and start doing their freaking jobs. It's only complicated because they're making it that way.
Personally I have a great relationship with my mom and I decided to have sex at 17 I also protected myself not only because she had discussed all of this before hand but because I had enough sense to inform myself. We need to have our parents get over their issues with sex and start doing their freaking jobs. It's only complicated because they're making it that way.
In my opinion we're going to keep having problems with teen sex, teen pregnancies, and this huge outbreak of STD's until parents take the bull by the horns and start doing their jobs as parents.
Until next time
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