I’ve been looking for “the One” since I first heard of this elusive man. I remember being about six years old and looking at boys I had crushes on at school and wondering which one of them I’d marry. I think maybe my grandma read too many fairytales to me and my mom took me to see one too many Disney movies. I don’t know why I’ve always felt like there was this person out there, where ever there is. That I was meant to be with, I am not sure if its because I felt some ten plus years later I could escape my reality and create the life I wanted or because I felt like I was missing something.
Fast forward seventeen years and I’ve been through some crap, had my heart broken by the first man I loved, took a chance by going out with a different type of guy that turned out to not really be so different and developed feelings for an older man that I should probably have kept my distance from. I’ve learned some valuable lessons when it comes to love and relationships, though I’m far from giving up on love I have come to the conclusion that when it comes down to it, there really are no rules for love. You can’t choose who you love any more than you can choose what name your parents will give you. In the end, its all about being happy with who you are, loving whoever that is, then if the “One” comes along, he’ll just make you all the more happier. If he doesn’t come along, you have family, friends and the knowledge that you are happy with your life and who you have turned out to be.
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