Why is applying for college so freaking difficult!? I need a book or a website that says step by step what I need to do. I'm going to community college, hopefully. But the whole thing is really overwhelming me. I already did my FAFSA application yesterday, I found out I didn't need to take the ACT but since I did and my scores sucked I'm taking the CPT. Good news is it is an untimed test and it's only English, Reading, and Mathematics. Bad news I can't use a calculator in the math portion, only scratch paper. Grrrr!!.... I'm working this crap out one way or another. As far as the study guide I need to get those this month so I can turn in my application and then show up once I'm in the system or however it works. From what I can tell I'll be getting financial aid and probably some sort of grant or grants because my parents income is so small, which is a major relief.
I'm still stressing out over the job I interviewed for on Tuesday because today is when they said they'd be calling the two people who were hired. I'm kind of up in the air right now because I feel confident and then I don't. I want this job so much I can taste it. I feel the interview went very well but that doesn't always guarantee the job. It would be perfect for me too, the hours, the pay, the health insurance!
Oh and we found another apartment a few minutes away from where we live now since the one we were moving to turned out to be wrong for us. We took a look at the apartment yesterday and can you say amazing!!?? compared to the apartment we have now it's a major step up. I really want to move there, god help me!
Well I'm off, I'll post if I hear from the job.
Dining room

Living Room

Master bedroom/My room with bath

Kitchen/ Laundry Room
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